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Weirdest tax deductions revealed

Weirdest tax deductions revealed

Would you claim the Lego you bought for your kids throughout the year as a tax deduction? One taxpayer did and it made the Australian Taxation Office’s 2018-19 list of most unusual claims.

New options for Small Business GST Reporting

New options for Small Business GST Reporting

Planning to start a small business in 2017? Take note!

From 19 January 19 2017, newly registered small businesses will be provided with the option to report less GST information on a simpler BAS.

What now for the GST?

What now for the GST?

Fifteen years after the introduction of the GST in Australia debate still rages over what should be taxed and whether the GST rate should increase. 

Unless the Government changes the GST Act, any change requires the approval of the States and Territories. The Treasurers’ workshop late last month resolved to keep the GST rate at 10% but enable a series of other changes. We look at the key areas of change: